RAUSCH Kevin A. > > Paintings by Kevin A. Rausch at Ariadne Gallery, Vienna 

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Trotz dem Sonnenschein ein Hundeleben", 2008 
mixed media / canvas 
 197 x 151 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Trotz dem Sonnenschein ein Hundeleben", 2008

mixed media / canvas

197 x 151 cm

€ 3.300,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Plakat Galerie Ariadne, 2008

"Der Taubenflüsterer", 2007

mixed media / canvas

165 x 125 cm

€ 2.800,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Der Taubenflüsterer", 2007 
mixed media / canvas 
 165 x 125 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Kind der Katastrophen", 2008 
mixed media, paper / canvas 
 118 x 80 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Kind der Katastrophen", 2008

mixed media, paper / canvas

118 x 80 cm

€ 1.900,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"Sie werden auch noch das Licht fangen", 2008

mixed media / canvas

80 x 70 cm

€ 1.600,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Sie werden auch noch das Licht fangen", 2008 
mixed media / canvas 
 80 x 70 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"dazwischen ein Wunder", 2008 
mixed media / cardboard 
 57 x 18 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"dazwischen ein Wunder", 2008

mixed media / cardboard

57 x 18 cm

€ 500,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"das was (kommen wird, wird das sein was war)", 2008

mixed media, paper / canvas

27 x 18 cm

€ 350,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"das was (kommen wird, wird das sein was war)", 2008 
mixed media, paper / canvas 
 27 x 18 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"das was (kommen wird, wird das sein was war)", 2008 
mixed media, paper / canvas 
 22 x 21 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"das was (kommen wird, wird das sein was war)", 2008

mixed media, paper / canvas

22 x 21 cm

€ 300,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"das was (kommen wird, wird das sein was war)", 2008

mixed media, paper / canvas

28 x 20 cm

€ 400,-


exhibited: "Neue Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"das was (kommen wird, wird das sein was war)", 2008 
mixed media, paper / canvas 
 28 x 20 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Let's go for a ride", 2007 
mixed media / canvas 
 101 x 73 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Let's go for a ride", 2007

mixed media / canvas

101 x 73 cm

€ 1.700,-


"popula polut", 2007

mixed media / canvas

120 x 100 cm

€ 2.000,-


 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"popula polut", 2007 
mixed media / canvas 
 120 x 100 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Let it go", 2005 
mixed media / canvas 
 50 x 71 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Let it go", 2005

mixed media / canvas

50 x 71 cm

€ 700,-


exhibited: "nightboat", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Einladung, Katalog, Plakat Galerie Ariadne, 2005

"Das Vogelexperiment", 2008

mixed media / paper

218 x 147 cm

Price on request


 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Das Vogelexperiment", 2008 
mixed media / paper 
 218 x 147 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Wir sind gleich da", 2004 
mixed media / canvas 
 150 x 100 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Wir sind gleich da", 2004

mixed media / canvas

150 x 100 cm

€ 2.200,-


exhibited: "nightboat", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna, Guntramsdorf

reproduced: Katalog Galerie Ariadne, 2005

"Hollow hills", 2005

mixed media / canvas

164 x 124 cm



exhibited: "nightboat", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Katalog Galerie Ariadne, 2005

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Hollow hills", 2005 
mixed media / canvas 
 164 x 124 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"nightboat", 2005 
mixed media / paper 
 155 x 266 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"nightboat", 2005

mixed media / paper

155 x 266 cm



exhibited: "nightboat", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Katalog Galerie Ariadne, 2005

untitled, 2005

mixed media / wood

4 * 20 x 14 cm

€ 500,-


exhibited: "nightboat", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Katalog Galerie Ariadne, 2005

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
4 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
4 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
4 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
4 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge RAUSCH Kevin A. 
untitled, 2005 
mixed media / wood 
7 * 20 x 14 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

untitled, 2005

mixed media / wood

7 * 20 x 14 cm

€ 700,-


reproduced: Katalog Galerie Ariadne, 2005

"Sick and tired of this kind of person", 2004

mixed media / canvas

100 x 73 cm



exhibited: "Palingenese", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Katalog "Palingenese", Galerie Ariadne, 2004

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Sick and tired of this kind of person", 2004 
mixed media / canvas 
 100 x 73 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Die Blumen des Bösen", 2004 
mixed media / canvas 
 120 x 100 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Die Blumen des Bösen", 2004

mixed media / canvas

120 x 100 cm



exhibited: "Palingenese", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

reproduced: Katalog "Palingenese", Galerie Ariadne, 2004

"Diabolo delüxe", 2003

mixed media / canvas

200 x 180 cm

€ 3.300,-


exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Diabolo delüxe", 2003 
mixed media / canvas 
 200 x 180 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"El torro", 2004 
mixed media / canvas 
 150 x 100 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"El torro", 2004

mixed media / canvas

150 x 100 cm



exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"Lets push things forward", 2004

mixed media / canvas

70 x 70 cm



exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Lets push things forward", 2004 
mixed media / canvas 
 70 x 70 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Rhodos", 2003 
mit 24 Arbeiten 0 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Rhodos", 2003


mit 24 Arbeiten 0 cm



exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"Emotional Landscape", 2003

mixed media / wood

200 x 30 cm



exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Emotional Landscape", 2003 
mixed media / wood 
 200 x 30 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Emotional Landscape", 2003 
mixed media / wood 
 200 x 30 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Emotional Landscape", 2003

mixed media / wood

200 x 30 cm



exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"OMA", 2004

mixed media / canvas

70 x 80 cm

€ 1.600,-


exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"OMA", 2004 
mixed media / canvas 
 70 x 80 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Schwaches Gefühl", 2003 
mixed media / canvas 
 80 x 70 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Schwaches Gefühl", 2003

mixed media / canvas

80 x 70 cm



exhibited: "Herbst-/ Winterkollektion '03"; "Kunterbunte Arbeiten", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

"Ein Stück Erde", 2003

mixed media / canvas

70 x 80 cm



exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"Ein Stück Erde", 2003 
mixed media / canvas 
 70 x 80 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 RAUSCH Kevin A. 
"2 Maden", 2003 
mixed media / canvas 
 100 x 150 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"2 Maden", 2003

mixed media / canvas

100 x 150 cm

€ 2.000,-


exhibited: "Projekt Null Vier", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

[last updated: 10. April 2009]
to the works by Christian Rausch
to the works by Reinhold Rebhandl