SANDOR Beate > > Paintings by Beate Sandor at Ariadne Gallery, Vienna 

 SANDOR Beate 
"Mystery", 2005 
acrylic / canvas 
 120 x 120 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"Mystery", 2005

acrylic / canvas

120 x 120 cm

€ 3.800,-


"Mystery", 2005

acrylic / canvas

120 x 120 cm

€ 3.800,-


 SANDOR Beate 
"Mystery", 2005 
acrylic / canvas 
 120 x 120 cm  
please click the image to enlarge
 SANDOR Beate 
"windy city blues I-IV", 2005 
Laserprint auf Canvas kaschiert<br />edition: 3 pieces 
4 * 120 x 120 cm  
please click the image to enlarge

"windy city blues I-IV", 2005

Laserprint auf Canvas kaschiert
edition: 3 pieces

4 * 120 x 120 cm

€ 990,-


exhibited: "soul session - windy city blues", Ariadne Gallery, Vienna

[last updated: 10. April 2009]
to the works by Georg Salner
to the works by Claude Sandoz